Tag Archives: undergrad

I cannot seem to depart.

Such is life.

Four years of my undergrad concluded with a lovely lunch gathering after counterpoint class. It’s hard to imagine that all the things I’ve learned, the mistakes I’ve made, and the life I’ve led for the past few years in U of T lead up to a generous glass of ginger ale and some sweet potato fries.

I know that I won’t ever stop making music. It’s something that I have a passion for, and something that hopefully will be enjoyed by the people around me. However, making music won’t ever be the same without school. Not just the institution itself, but the people behind that institution, and the people that surround the institution.

I’m going to miss a lot of people there – not just fellow students, but faculty members too. I’ll see all of you one last time at graduation (if I pass all my exams – oh man), but let me just say that you guys were the reason that I came every day to school. I always looked forward to the laughter and the stories we’d share with each other, and the camaraderie that blossomed between all of us.

So here’s to you. Let our love of music never die, and our friendships continue to flourish.
And for the love of God, let’s hope we don’t do papers ever again.


A few updates!

I didn’t realize that I’m almost done my undergrad degree at U of T until about this week.
All my projects are pretty much due soon, I have exams coming up, and then after that, freedom.

Freedom to do what, though? I’m not entirely sure myself…But I’ll be sure to let you guys know as I go along.

I finally got Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon! So far, MonHun’s pretty much the same audio experience as before – if you want to read my ranting regarding the genius of its music, you can find it here! Luigi’s Mansion has a few neat tricks, though, that I’ll cover in a few weeks when I finish it.

Other than that, something cool regarding my music in an actual game came up! My good friend Tyler Budolowski asked me for music for his Windows Phone shmup, RAINVII. You can check it out and download it here. It’s free!
